Bible Verse Where Jesus Tells the Disciples to Cast Out Their Nets Again

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"Phenomenon Catch of Fish"
John 21:1-14 - Bible Study

The Ocean of Tiberias, (Galilee) is where Jesus Walked on Water, Calmed the Stormy Sea, and Fed the Five Thousand on its shores.

It was a customary do to fish at night and to sell the fish on the morning market. However, they had fished all night without catching fifty-fifty i fish.

Jesus' Phenomenon Catch of Fish

John 21:ane-14:

Verse 1-2: "After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples past the Body of water of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this way."

To say that "Jesus revealed," would hateful that His appearance non only offered prove but a break-through in knowledge and understanding.

In one of our previous studies, the "Fourfold Witness," Jesus had presented four witnesses to the Jewish leaders to prove that He was the Messiah, and they had rejected them all.

The witnesses were:

  • 1. The witness of John the Baptist
  • 2. The witness of Jesus' own works (Miracles)
  • 3. The witness of God the Male parent (Matt 28:20
  • ) 4. The witness of the Scriptures (Prophecy)

And now, later on the crucifixion, He is His own best witness.

Many people, even the Jewish leaders had seen Him die on the cross; nevertheless, He is now live once again, just as He had promised.

Jesus and a number of His disciples lived on the shores of the Body of water of Tiberias, which is peradventure meliorate known as the Sea of Galilee, (Picture).

It was here that Jesus once more revealed Himself to His disciples.

Verse 2: "Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together.

John did not give all the names, simply seven of Jesus' disciples were together.

Verse 3: Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will get with you lot." They went out and got into the boat, only that night they defenseless zilch."

When Peter announced that he was going angling, they decided to go with him.

Some of Jesus' disciples had been fishermen before becoming His disciples. These were professional fishermen, at least some of them were, so it must have been very discouraging.

Verse iv: "Just equally day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that information technology was Jesus."

Though Jesus was triumphantly standing on the shore, it was not yet full daylight, and the disciples did not recognize Him.

The words, "Darkest before the dawn" past Thomas Fuller are meant to be words of encouragement to those going through dark times.

These were night and confusing times for the disciples, but Jesus is never far away, His calorie-free is always ready to pause forth.

Even in the worst of times, at that place is always a reason to have hope if yous accept Jesus.

Poetry 5: "Jesus said to them, "Children, do you lot accept any fish?" They answered him, "No."

The I who had power over all creation, could calm the waves of the sea, heal the sick, heighten the dead, and to whom nothing was incommunicable, was calling to them from the shore.

Jesus had frequently used the discussion "Children," and even, "little children," (John 3:33) when speaking to HIs disciples.

Matthew Henry interpreted the word used hither, paidia — to say, "Lads, have y'all any meat?" and likens it to a father speaking tenderly to his children.

Others believe He was speaking of the disciples newly acquired relationship with the family of God, after receiving the Holy Spirit, (in our previous lesson).

Perhaps information technology was both, either style, there tin be no doubtfulness that Jesus was non yet through with these men and had no intention of allowing them to return to a full-time line-fishing business.

Poetry 6: "He said to them, "Bandage the net on the right side of the boat, and you will observe some." Then they cast it, and now they were non able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish."

Most fishing nets in those days were fabricated of rope, woven from substances like flax or hemp. The nets had a narrow end, which was pulled by the men in the boat, and a wider end, which was sunk by attached weights. (IVP Bible Background)

And, when they obeyed Jesus, they caught so many fish the boat could non hold them all.

The disciples had seen Jesus perform miracles that transformed all who were fortunate enough to be in His presence.

Verse seven: "That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea."

Although too far away to recognize in the dim light of early on morning, the miracle take hold of of fish caused John, "that disciple whom Jesus loved," to realize that the person on the shore was Jesus.

When Peter realized it was Jesus, he could not look for the gunkhole to draw closer to the shore. However, out of respect for Jesus, he did not want to get in scantily dressed, (every bit was required in his work).

Men wore an inner and an outer garment, so some say that Peter "put on his outer garment," (perhaps a coat) and jumped into the water.

An "outer garment," even of medium weight would take made information technology extremely difficult, if non impossible to swim.

Nigh believe that Peter, beingness an experienced fisherman, who earned his living working in and near the water, would not accept swum in a heavy garment.

John used the term, "en gar gymnos," paraphrased in the NIV to hateful, "naked," meaning that perchance Peter did not article of clothing whatever clothing in his work and had put on a loincloth to swim to shore.
(IVP New Testament Commentary)

Verse eight: "The other disciples came in the gunkhole, dragging the net total of fish, for they were not far from the land, but almost a hundred yards off."

Beingness a hundred yards offshore the water was perhaps too deep to wade, which would take required Peter to swim.

The things we know of Peter bespeak that he was a very robust private, who, though fully clothed, would have thought naught of either wading or swimming a hundred yards. All the same, John does not tell usa if Peter reached shore before the boats.

Verses 9-x: "When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish that you accept just caught."

We are non told where Jesus got the bread and fish.  Here, as in chapter 6, where Jesus Fed the Five Chiliad, He provides nutrient and invites them to share their catch.

Do you lot think that repast was prepared to perfection, with just the correct spices or sauce?

Verse 11: "And so Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net aground, total of big fish, 153 of them. And although there were and so many, the net was not torn."

Past obeying Jesus and finding more than fish than they could have possibly caught any other fashion, ways this was a Miracle Catch of Fish. The net not breaking was yet another phenomenon.

Many accept attempted to place significance on the number 153, with the fish representing a massive influx of converts, and the unbroken cyberspace, the unity of the Church.

These details not merely express how the Lord can abundantly provide, but how His provision is to be received.

Verses 12-13: "Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the bread and gave information technology to them, and so with the fish."

Overwhelmed past the presence of Jesus, enriched with the realization that He was indeed the Messiah, they discreetly observed a befitting silence in His Holy Presence. It must have been an inspiring and profound breakfast.

Poetry fourteen: "This was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead."

In that location are no details, merely according to the Synoptics, Jesus had already appeared to Peter privately,
(Luke 24:34).

This was the third time after the Resurrection that Jesus had appeared, and revealed to the disciples, that He was the Messiah.

This miracle not simply blessed them with a gunkhole filled with fish, simply information technology also restored their hope and confidence that had been lost over the contempo horrible ordeal when they had thought they had lost their Master.

This concludes our study of The Miracle Take hold of of Fish.

Our next study is:

Peter is Forgiven and Restored

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Miracle Catch of Fish

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Samuel L Mills
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