AR stands for Assault Rifle
AR stands for Assault Rifle

USA – -( AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is looking to flood the internet with 100 NEW Pro-gun Memes. All to push back against the anti-gun freedom haters with millionaires money that hire staff to do this all day to promote their hate.  That is why we need your help, humor, and sarcasm.

What is a meme?

According to Lifewire ;

"A 'meme' is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea.

The majority of modern memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, often as a way to publicly ridicule human behavior. Other memes can be videos and verbal expressions. Some memes have heavier and more philosophical content.

The world of memes (which rhymes with 'teams') is noteworthy for two reasons: it is a worldwide social phenomenon, and memes behave like a mass of infectious flu and cold viruses, traveling from person to person quickly through social media.

According to Cecil Adams of, the concept of memes "is either really deep or really, really obvious."

Pro-Gun Memes

We read all our readers comments so we know you are all very smart, articulate and funny.  That is why we need your help to reach our goal of 100 new memes goal.  Each one you make and send us, we will post here, so they are on the internet forever.  Also, each one you create and save, using our suggested meme tool you will also be flooding the world wide web with positive pro-gun news.

Making memes is easy, find an image that is free to use [be very careful of image copyright, we use online meme tools to be safe] and add your own funny or sarcastic comment. Then email us or post a link in comments below to the image URL for us to load to this page. If you email us, we will email you back a note as we post the best ones to this page. For email use our [email protected] email address with the subject: Memes Make-a-Thon

The online tool that we find easiest to use in

Once you have your Pro-Gun Meme perfected, you can click the Generate Meme button to save it to the web, for FREE!

Generate Pro-Gun Memes Button
Generate Pro-Gun Memes Button

That action brings you to a screen with a set of links you can share.  Email us the Image Link or post it in the comments below for AmmoLand News to grab:

Share Gun Memes Link
Email us the Image Link so we can download your image.

We know there are already pro-gun memes circulating the world wide web, but we need you to create new ones, to help us flood the internet with more. Please take the time to make new ones.

All memes should be funny, educational, and informative. We will not post any we think are racist, promoting violence or personal attacks on individuals.

Let's do it!

100 Gun Control Memes Make-a-Thon

Martin Luther King Pro Gun
Martin Luther King was Pro Gun
Keep Banning Guns
Keep Banning Guns
America Equals Liberty
America Equals Liberty
Facts to Remember When Dealing with the Left on Gun Control
Gun Owner Racism
Obeying Gun Laws
Obeying Gun Laws
Register Nothing
Register Nothing
Caveman Bear Arms
Caveman Bear Arms
You Think I Follow the Law
You Think I Follow the Law
Won't Cops Protect Us?
Won't Cops Protect Us?
Gun Control About Control Not Guns
Gun Control About Control Not Guns
Government Will Protect Us
Government Will Protect Us
The Second Amendment is Strong
The Second Amendment is Strong
It Is a Proven Fact Criminals Crime
It Is a Proven Fact Criminals Crime
Abortion Saves Lives
Abortion Saves Lives
But Gun Free Zones Work
But Gun Free Zones Work
Adolf Hilter Says
Adolf Hilter Says
Take the NRA Discounts, That Will Hurt
Take the NRA Discounts, That Will Hurt
Ban Tide Pods and Guns
Ban Tide Pods and Guns
Assault Rifle AR
Oh No!!! an Assault Rifle
Disarming the Innocent
Disarming the Innocent
Ban Guns
Ban Guns
Rights Come From GOD not Government
Rights Come From GOD not Government
Trust the Government with Your Rights
Trust the Government with Your Rights
America Stands for Freedom
America Stands for Freedom
What Automatic Rifle Means
What Automatic Rifle Means
Bump Stocks Equal Machine Guns Wrong
Bump Stocks Equal Machine Guns …Wrong
How to Make Schools Safer
How to Make Schools Safer
Ordering Guns From Sears
Ordering Guns From Sears
Criminals Follow the Law
Criminals Follow the Law
Anger Fear Aggression
Anger Fear Aggression
Trump to Ban Bump Stocks
Trump to Ban Bump Stocks
Gun Controllers are Dumb
Gun Controllers are Dumb
Gun Bans Will Work
Gun Bans Will Work
Trump Would be Better for Gun Owners
Trump Would be Better for Gun Owners
I Pity the Gun Free Zones
I Pity the Gun Free Zones
Trump the Chosen One
Trump the Chosen One
Guns are Precious
Guns are Precious
Bump Stock Ban Helps Us How
Bump Stock Ban Helps Us How
Strict Gun Laws
Strict Gun Laws
What Assault Rifle Means
What Assault Rifle Means
Gru's Gun Ban Plan
Gru's Gun Ban Plan