Funny Yuu Memes Funny Yuu Anime Memes
Seraph of the End is a fantasy shounen series that earned quite a name for itself when it was aired. Time hasn't been kind to the series, seeing how certain shows like Attack on Titan and One Punch Man have retained their popularity, while shows like Blue Exorcist and Seraph of the End have started moving into obscurity.
Having said that, the series still commands a dedicated fan-base, thanks in particular to the ongoing manga series. For the anime fans, however, here are a few hilarious memes of their favorite anime series (and characters) that will definitely make them laugh out loud!
10 Mika = Ugly?

This scene comes up in season 1 when Mika is seen changing his clothes in what seems to be a private chamber within a vamp mansion. When his co-workers make fun of him, he says he's a nobody, an ugly vampire. Many fan-girls in particular immediately came to Mika's rescue in online fan forums, because that scene went on to show how little self esteem and self worth Mika had after he'd been turned.
9 MikaYuu?
This one's a hilarious take on the Distracted Boyfriend meme that went viral a year or so ago. Many fans in the Seraph fandom have shipped Yuuichiro and Shinoa as a couple, but a far greater number of them (mostly girls) have shipped Mikaela and Yuuichiro as their OTP (One True Pairing).
It's tough to make friends, especially if you're a yandere like Mika whose one and only obsession since his childhood has been his "precious" friend Mika. He believes that his human friends are guilty of using his kindness to their advantage, so of course it comes as a shock to him when Yuu tells Mika that both Mika and his (Yuu's) human friends are his family.
He doesn't hesitate in showing not only his disregard for Yuu's ideas, but his disdain for his "filthy" human friends as well. However, this meme perfectly captures everything that Mika was feeling on the inside!
7 Religion
There's absolutely no denying how desirable thigh high socks and boots are. Sadly, anime is inundated with many girls wearing these items of clothing, and barely any guys wearing them. So obviously from the moment the vampires' costumes made their debut on screen, fan-girls went into a tizzy.
6 Sit At Home!
The COVID-19 crisis has all of us under its thumb. Most of us are under lock-down, and there isn't much movement one can do within the confines of their homes. People are simply so tired of being at home, or more specifically, sitting at home that they're finding some of the most creative ways to create relatable memes about their circumstances.
5 MikaYuu? Is that You?
Don't be mistaken — these young boys are actually from Sword Art Online. It's just that this screen-grab happens to be very similar to the now infamous MikaYuu pic where the two of them are seen to be in a loving embrace, and this meme does its very own take on that scene, which has become part of one of the series' most iconic images.
4 Yandere Mika!
This meme is an excellent take on Mika's Yandere nature. As explained before, he is only this way for Yuuichiro, so obviously whenever anybody gets close to him (physically or emotionally), Mika's Yandere Meter goes from 0 to 100 real quick! He consistently says he has no humanity left in him, and while that's technically true, he's also shown to be the most "human" vampire among all the vamps as well. This meme is a dig at his remaining humanity.
3 Outer Beauty Is So Overrated
Very early on in the series, Yuu made a pact with the demon Asuramaru who would lend Yuu his strength whenever he needed it. All Yuu had to do was go to his inner place and call Asuramaru out. In the scene above, where Mika has finally become a vampire, he has a heart to heart with Yuu. Here, he convinces Yuu that it's his intentions (and not his actions) that count.
He compliments what's "inside" of Yuu, which he meant his heart. But people (or more specifically, Asuramaru) could easily interpret it as the compliment being aimed at him, hence the thanks!
2 A Ferid Meme
This Change My Mind Meme is a take on Ferid's completely ruthless and unnecessary killing spree of the orphans that fans got to witness in the very first episode of Owari no Seraph. Why did he do it? Just because he could, of course, and much like the MikaYuu embrace image, these scenes of Ferid became iconic for the fans.
1 Season 3?
Fans have been begging for a season 3 for many years now, but it seems like WIT Studios does not have any plans whatsoever to make one, at least in the near future. They have their eyes set on newer anime that they hope to be bigger successes than Owari No Seraph, and this is exactly what this meme is parodying!
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